GRAQ collaborates in the supervision of Master students with several Portuguese and International academic institutions.
Diana Paula Cunha de Aguilar de Azevedo Machado
Simulation of the production of paraxylene
December 2009 (School of Engineering - Polytechnic Institute of Porto)
Elisa Alexandra Mota Ferreira
Evaluation of different disinfection treatments of lettuce: A chemical and toxicological approach
December 2009 (Faculty of Nutrition and Food Science - University of Porto)
Joana Maria César Veloso Ferreira
Distribution of mercury in thermal waters and bottled in northern Portugal
December 2009 (School of Engineering - Polytechnic Institute of Porto)
Susana Natércia Oliveira Ribeiro
Comparative study of changes in chemical characteristics of soil subjected to controlled burning and mechanical thinning
December 2009 (School of Engineering - Polytechnic Institute of Porto)
Cleusa Lopes da Luz
Evaluation of Concentration of Minerals in Fish
December 2009 (School of Engineering - Polytechnic Institute of Porto)
Fernando Odeberto Gonçalves Pereira
Voltammetric analysis of ciprofloxacin – application to pharmaceuticals and remediation
December 2009 (School of Engineering - Polytechnic Institute of Porto)
Joana Rafaela Lara Guerreiro
Determination of chlortetracycline residues in aquaculture
November 2009 (Faculty of Sciences - University of Porto)
Felismina Teixeira Coelho Moreira
Determination of norfloxacin in aquaculture
November 2009 (Faculty of Sciences - University of Porto)
Diana Margarida Ferreira Pinheiro
Oxidative leaching of metals from electronic waste with solutions based on quaternary ammonium salts
November 2009 (School of Engineering - Polytechnic Institute of Porto)
Carla Alexandra Moreira Vieira
Avaliação ecotoxicológica de lixiviados de Lamas provenientes de estações de Tratamento de águas. Capacidade de germinação de sementes de Alface (lactuca sativa)
November 2009 (School of Engineering - Polytechnic Institute of Porto)
Marta Gonçalves Varanda
Determination of the environmental impacts and life cycle analysis of biodiesel production
November 2009 (School of Engineering - Polytechnic Institute of Porto)
Joana Gomes Martins
Development of analytical methodologies for the determination of pesticides in wines of the Douro and Port wines
November 2009 (School of Engineering - Polytechnic Institute of Porto)
Nuno Miguel Simões Leal Ribeiro
Audit and Optimization for Energy Section of the impregnation of a textile industry
November 2009 (School of Engineering - Polytechnic Institute of Porto)
Maria Isabel Mesquita Guimarães Seguro Pereira Soares
Development of methodologies for analysis of metals in natural waters by continuous-source atomic absorption spectroscopy
October 2009 (Faculty of Sciences - University of Porto)
Marta Madalena Marques Oliveira
Evaluation of the mineral composition of soluble coffee and coffee substitutes
September 2009 (Faculty of Pharmacy - University of Porto)
José Alberto Nunes da Silva Ferreira
Determination of pesticides in lettuce and irrigation water in the vulnerable zone of the free aquifer of Esposende
August 2009 (Faculty of Sciences - University of Porto)
Helena Maria Vaz de Oliveira
Development of sensors for antibiotics
July 2009 (School of Engineering - Polytechnic Institute of Porto)
Tânia Sofia Cardoso Ribeiro Rebelo
Implementation, validation and technical-economic analysis of some analytical parameters in the control of water
July 2009 (School of Engineering - Polytechnic Institute of Porto)
Joana Alves Ferreira da Cruz
Energy Optimization of a Furnace of a Ceramic Industry Sector
July 2009 (School of Engineering - Polytechnic Institute of Porto)
Bie van der Vliet
Arsenic removal using natural and synthetic adsorbents
June 2009 (Karel de Grote-Hogeschool, Antwerp, Belgium (Erasmus program))
Magda Cristina Teixeira de Passos Guimarães
Global analyis on phosphorus: flow, supply horizon and impact assessment of phosphorus depletion
June 2009 (School of Engineering - Polytechnic Institute of Porto)
José António Sousa
Benzene in Indoor Air and Exterior Air
April 2009 (Faculty of Engineering - University of Porto)
Ana Catarina Dias Vieira da Silva
Evaluation of the levels of Hg, Cd, Pb and As in fish (sardine, horse mackerel and mackerel)
February 2009 (Faculty of Pharmacy - University of Porto)
Virgínia Maria Monteiro da Cruz Fernandes
Biorremediação de Poluição Orgânica em Solos Contaminados com Metais Pesados 
December 2008 (School of Sciences - University of Minho
Filipe Daniel Dias Oliveira
Remoção de Metais Usando Casca de Amendoím
December 2008 (School of Engineering - Polytechnic Institute of Porto
Ana Raquel Gomes de Lima
Minimização de Odores em Contentores de Resíduos Sólidos
December 2008 (School of Engineering - Polytechnic Institute of Porto)
Goreti Filomena Oliveira Carvalho
Determinação Preliminar de Parâmetros Construtivos de Barreiras Reactivas Permeáveis com Recurso a Colunas para Remediação de Crómio com Ferro Zerovalente
December 2008 (School of Engineering - Polytechnic Institute of Porto
Bruno José Rocha Pereira
Estudos em Coluna da Cinética de Degradação do Tricloroeteno Presente em Águas Contaminadas
December 2008 (School of Engineering - Polytechnic Institute of Porto)
Mónica Rosas da Silva
Estudo da Estabilização Térmica da Pele
November 2008 (School of Engineering - Polytechnic Institute of Porto)
Luís Manuel Falcão Paiva Fernandes
Avaliação da Eco-Eficiência de uma Empresa de Serviços (Maiambiente – Empresa Municipal do Ambiente E.M.) – Caso prático
November 2008 (School of Engineering - Polytechnic Institute of Porto)
Paula Alexandra Ribeiro Tafulo
Capacidade Antioxidante de Cervejas Comerciais
September 2008 (School of Engineering - Polytechnic Institute of Porto)
Raquel Barbosa Queirós
Capacidade Antioxidante de Bebidas Comerciais
September 2008 (School of Engineering - Polytechnic Institute of Porto)
Marta Maria Pereira da Silva Neves
Desenvolvimento de Métodos Electroquímicos para o Doseamento de Estatinas em Formulações Farmacêuticas
September 2008 (Faculty of Sciences - University of Porto)
Sérgio Alberto Cruz Monteiro de Morais
Comparison Between Biodiesel and LPG Using The Life Cycle Assessment Methodology
April 2008 (School of Engineering - University of Minho)
Rita Maria Cerejeira Matos
Efeitos do crómio-cobre-arsenato (CCA) em ratinhos:estudos morfológicos e analíticos
January 2008 (Departament of Biology - University of Aveiro)
Cláudia Maria Soares de Oliveira Martins
Determinação de ácido glutâmico em alimentos por técnicas voltamétricas
December 2007 (Faculty of Pharmacy - University of Porto)
Ângela Maria de Moura Barroso
Nitratos e Nitritos em alimentos
November 2007 (Faculty of Pharmacy - University of Porto)
Sofia Alexandra Alves Almeida
Determinação de cloretos em pão
September 2007 (Faculty of Pharmacy - University of Porto)
Paula Celeste Baptista Paíga
Extracção Assistida por Microondas de Pesticidas em Produtos Agrícolas
May 2007 (Faculty of Engineering - University of Porto)
Maria Aurora Soares da Silva
Extracção por Solventes in-pulp de Solos Contaminados com Compostos Orgânicos
March 2004 (Faculty of Engineering - University of Porto)
Abel José Assunção Duarte
Modelação da resposta de sistemas sensores ópticos fluorescentes para pH, Mg(II), Al(III) e Zn(II)
2003 (Faculty of Sciences - University of Porto)
José Tomás Veiga Soares de Albergaria
Extracção de Vapor para Remediação de Solos – Controlo dos Parâmetros que Limitam a Descontaminação
May 2003 (Faculty of Engineering - University of Porto)
Maria de Fátima de Sá Barroso
Analytical methodologies applied in biodegradation processes of pesticides – Molinate
March 2002 (Faculty of Engineering - University of Porto)
Hendrikus Petrus Antonius Nouws
Electroanalytical Determination of Fenvalerate and Asulam in Water
December 1999 (Faculty of Pharmacy - University of Porto)